Don’t Shake It (Let It Free)

Don’t Shake It (Let It Free) E.P. plus a Don’t Forget Tibet video

Cornershop and Free Tibet have collaborated to create this educational & hard hitting video.

Please support us, watch the video and share the link as much as possible. Help us spread the word about the cause ‘Don’t Forget Tibet’, link here for the video.

Please follow us on twitter @cornershophq & @freetibetorg

The video has been promoted by whom are getting more political these days, as the world crumbles around them.

Don’t Shake It with two new remixes is out 19th September.

Non-Stop Radio – The Italian Job Remixes
The first track of the Singhles Club series has been treated to three remixes by respected Italian sound stackers Casa Del Mirto, Lorenzo Marinelli & Lorenzo Venturini buy the EP here

The video has been remixed by its original creators Rocket Science. So that makes it a collaboration between England, India, France and Italy, but this is no football match, it’s a song that does not stop.

Just as we can see David Cameron‘s holiday coming to an end, so has this newsletter, best Tjinder & Ben

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